What is Sozo?

  • SOZO is an inner healing prayer model that was developed by Bethel Church in Redding, California. Sozo (also known as "listening prayer") is not a counseling session but a prayer encounter designed to get you more fully connected to God, yourself and others. Instead of telling you what we think you should do about a situation, we help you hear from God as to what He thinks about you, others in your life and your situations!

  • The word "SOZO" is a Greek word in the New Testament that as it is applied to the body, soul or spirit. It is translated as "saved", "healed" or "delivered". It is not unusual for those having a session to receive physical, emotional or spiritual healing as they hear directly from God. Most of those receiving a Sozo see tremendous breakthrough during their encounter. Sozo is not intended to be a long term treatment program. Most Sozoees see tremendous results with just one or two sessions.

  • A typical Sozo session will last about 2-3 hours with 1 to 3 trained people assisting you with your session. During that time we will allow the Spirit of God to lead us to issues that may be causing blocks in the view of one's self, relationships with others or with God. We use a variety of spiritual methods such as forgiveness, undoing the results of negative statements and getting free from negative personal, spiritual, and family behaviors, beliefs and practices.

Ready to experience Sozo (aka Listening Prayer)?

Sign up (below) to receive an email to schedule your session. Live or Zoom Sessions are available. Sessions typically last 2-3 hours.